===== How do I indicate an employee is working part time? ===== In the menu, select assumptions/costs/personnel. Then select Advanced for the desired employee. Then change the "Percent Time Worked" to 50% for half time, 25% for quarter time, etc. Make sure the salary on the main personnel page is the salary for full time work. {{keywords>personnel, employees, part time}} **Related Questions:** **[[faqs:personnel:how-many-options|How many options will my employees be granted?]]** {{keywords>personnel, employees, uncompensated, options}} **[[:faqs:personnel:how-to-change-personnel|How do I add or change employees?]]** **[[:faqs:personnel:how-to-change-personnel-salary|How do I change the salary of an employee?]]** **[[:faqs:personnel:how-change-personnel-raise|How do I change the annual raise of all employees?]]** **[[:faqs:personnel:how-to-change-personnel-raise|How do I change the annual raise of just one employee?]]**