Can I create a major purchase that I pay for over a period of time?

Let's say you want to make a purchase of an item for $150,000 and pay for it over the following year, instead of in a lump sum. You should make two entries into Offtoa:

  1. Enter the major purchase of the item for $150,000 in the month that you want to make the purchase. This will start the depreciation cycle, and will record the cash outflow of $150,000.
  2. Enter a loan for $150,000 in the same month that you are making the purchase. Set up (in the loan) the terms that you expect. This will record a cash inflow of $150,000 on the same month.

Related Questions:

How do I add/change a major purchase (i.e., fixed asset) in Offtoa?

How do I add or change a loan?