How should I include a gift or grant in Offtoa?

According to FASB (see paragraph 8 of, unconditional gifts or grants to a company must be treated as revenue. Therefore, create a market with the name of the grantee (or if you plan to receive multiple such grants, you might call the market “foundations”). If all the grants/gifts will be of the same general size, then create a product called a grant (or gift) and set its price in that market to its average value. If the grants/gifts will be of multiple sizes, you might want to create product called a small grant (or gift), medium grant (or gift) and large grant (or gift) and set their prices in that market to their average values. Use any of the sales models to describe how you will receive these grants. Notice that in most cases, grants are the result of human effort (e.g., visits and proposal writing) and so driving the sales process in a bottom-up manner using sales and marketing personnel effort is likely to be the most natural.

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How do I change the products I'm selling?

How do I change the price for a product?

How do I change the markets I'm selling to?

How do I drive revenue from sales and marketing effort?