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This is the screen where you define the products and services your new company is going to sell. One of the first business strategy decisions entrepreneurs make is what product(s) will be sold, and in what “unit of sale.” Say, for example, that you have recognized that an unfilled demand exists in small communities for clean, local, public transpor­tation, and you have access to a manufacturer of low-cost, low-maintenance, electric buses. Now, it might seem simple to assume that your product is going to be an electric bus, right? Not necessarily. Many diverse business strategies might work. For example:

Here is another example. Suppose you have developed a software tool that you believe customers want. Once again, you have choices:

Here is one more example. Suppose you have a patent for a new mousetrap.

Here is what the screen looks like:

The assumptions you record about each product on this screen include:

If you are selling many products, you need not enumerate every one for planning purposes. For example, if you are starting a grocery store, you might consider listing a product category as “fresh produce”, along with a unit of sale of “average customer purchase.” If you are opening a bookstore, do not list every book title; instead, you might want to list “children's book”, “gift book”, “fiction paperback”, and so on.

No need to enter the number of units that you will sell on this screen. That comes later. Here, just enter the name of the unit that will be sold.

Additional Questions:

Which do I define first? Products? Markets? Prices? Or my sales technique?

What are the various 'units' that Offtoa asks for?

How do I get more products to display on each page?

How should I include a gift or grant?