How do I change the number of units that I expect to sell?

Offtoa uses “sales models” to give you multiple ways to indicate how you will sell products.

  • If all you want to do is to specify how many units you will sell each month or year, press assumptions/revenues/sales models. If the top of your screen does not read “Sales Model » Units Sold Per Year” or “Sales Model » Units Sold Per Month,” press the blue “Select a New Sales Model” button at the bottom of the screen and then select “WAG 1: Units Sold per Year” or “WAG 2: Units Sold per Month.”
  • If you are looking for more sophisticated (and more efficient) ways to model your sales, we suggest you read about bottom-up sales forecasting techniques below.

Related Questions:

What are bottom-up techniques for revenue prediction?

What are top-down techniques for revenue prediction?

What are WAG techniques for revenue prediction?

How do I adjust all my sales numbers temporarily in case they are too optimistic?

How do I adjust all my sales numbers temporarily in case they are too conservative?

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