
Folders provide you with a way to organize your plans in Offtoa. They are available only to Ultimate subscribers. This screen provides a list of all the folders you have created in Offtoa. In particular, the list includes:

  • Folder Name is the unique identifier for a folder in which you can organize your plans.
  • Description are any words you wish.
  • Options are clickable icons explained below.

Here is a list of the functions you can perform from this screen:

  • To delete a folder, just press the Delete Folder trashcan icon in the Options column to the right of the folder. This action deletes the folder. It does not delete any of the plans contained within the folder.
  • To change the Folder Name, just click on the current underlined Folder Name, edit it and then click on the check mark.
  • To change the Description, just click on the current underlined Description, edit it and then click on the check mark.
  • To create a new folder a plan, just press the green Create New Folder button at the bottom of the screen.
  • To see the plans contained within a folder, click on My Plans, select the name of the Folder in the Folder field at the top, and hit Enter.

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