What are postage and shipping expenses?

These are expenses you incur when you mail and otherwise send items. You could just make an estimate for the entire company and indicate it as “billed to G&A.” Or, if you believe that marketing and sales will spend more than the rest of the company, for example for mailing marketing materials, create two entries: one called Postage & Shipping for M&S (“billed to M&S”), and the other called Postage & Shipping for Company (“billed to G&A”).

Do not include the cost of shipping products to customers; this cost is considered a cost of goods sold. Thus you should include such shipping as a raw material and then associate it with each product shipped (see related questions below).

Related Questions:

How do I add/change postage and shipping for marketing and sales?

How do I add/change postage and shipping for the rest of the company?

How do I add postage and shipping as a raw material?

How do I relate postage and shipping (as a raw material) to a specific product being shipped?