
Help with This Page:

This is the screen where you enter the prices you think you will charge your customers for your products. Your goal here is to define the prices that you think your customers will pay in the future. After you launch the products, you will be learn what prices are the most effective . . . and then you will return here and change the prices. In fact, you might end up change prices constantly in response to competitive behavior.

Here is what the screen looks like:

On this screen, enter the price you will charge customers for each product in each market for each year. If you want to propagate a value from any cell to the right, click on the black and yellow arrow.

Questions about Pricing Strategy:

How do I choose prices?

My products are highly differentiated relative to the competition. How should this affect my pricing?

I have figured out how to lower our costs relative to the competition. How should this affect my pricing?

What is freemium pricing?

What is penetration pricing?

What is value pricing?

Can I use low price as my primary business strategy?

Can I use low price as part of my business strategy?

What does it mean to cover your fixed costs?

Which do I define first? Products? Markets? Prices? Or my sales technique?

Questions about Viewing the Pricing Assumptions Screen:

How do I change the words in parentheses -- the name of the unit being sold -- after the product name?

How do I add a product to the pricing page?

How do I add a market to the pricing page?

How do I change the number of years (columns) on the pricing page?

How can I enter data faster? How can I propagate data to the right? What are the yellow and black arrows for?