Customer Analysis

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This report helps you understand exactly the effects of your stated assumptions on your acquisition and retention of customers. Recall that you have already defined many assumptions:

On the Sales Model (BU-3) screen, you defined the following assumptions for each market:

On the Other Expenses screen:

On the Personnel screen:

On the Pricing screen:

From the above assumptions, we calculated the report you see before you, as follows:

Additional Questions:

My viral customers are too high. What should I do?

Go to the Sales Model Assumptions Screen BU-3. Lowering the viral coefficient will have exponentially decreasing effects on your new customers. You could also try increasing the length of the viral cycle.

I have lots of customers but no product sales. What should I do?

You likely have no prices for your products, or you have indicated all zeroes for your product mix, or you have an average order size of zero.

Other Related Questions:

How does Offtoa compute customers, revenues, number of units sold and revenues by product from my assumptions?

Why do I have no customers in a specific market?

Why do I have no new (paid) customers in a specific market? Why do I have zero customers on the N1 line on the customer analysis report for a specific market?

Why do I have no new (referral) customers in a specific market? Why do I have zero customers on the N2 line on the customer analysis report for a specific market?

Why do I have no customers returning to repurchase in a specific market? Why do I have zero customers on the R1 line on the customer analysis report for a specific market?

Why do I have no customers purchasing in a specific market? Why do I have zero customers on the T1 line on the customer analysis report for a specific market?

Why are so many (or so few) customers leaving in a specific market? Why is the A1 line on the customer analysis report for a specific market so high/low?

Why is my average order size (AOS) zero in a specific market? Why is the P2 line on the customer analysis report for a specific market zero?

Why do the percents of sales for each product in a specific market not add up to 100%? Why do the entries on line P4 on the customer analysis report for a specific market not add to 100%?

How do I change average order size?

How do I change the customer retention rate?

How do I change the viral coefficient?

How do I change the product mix?

How do I add or remove a year (column) to/from this report?

How do I suppress a row of all zeros from this report?